Navigation: Saints Row Guide > Story Missions > Waterfront Rooftop Stronghold (Vice Kings)
Mission Type - Vice Kings Stronghold
Completion - +1.000% (95.433%)
Prereqs - For King and Country Mission
Rewards - $0
Territories - Rebadeaux
Unlocks - None
I like the shotgun for this stronghold, but the rifle would work too. Whatever you are comfortable with. Kick in the back door and make your way up to the rooftop. There is only one way you can go, so you shouldn't get lost.
When you get to the roof, there are a number of Kings to clear out. Go ahead and do that. Watch out for the guy with the pipe bombs. When that is done, go over and pick up the RPG.
Alright, you have to destroy five Vice King cars, and you have only a certain amount of RPG ammo to do it with. Make sure to give them a good lead since it takes a couple of seconds for the rocket to get there. Once you get a feel for the timing, it shouldn't be too hard to complete this one.

Completion - +1.000% (95.433%)
Prereqs - For King and Country Mission
Rewards - $0
Territories - Rebadeaux
Unlocks - None
I like the shotgun for this stronghold, but the rifle would work too. Whatever you are comfortable with. Kick in the back door and make your way up to the rooftop. There is only one way you can go, so you shouldn't get lost.

Alright, you have to destroy five Vice King cars, and you have only a certain amount of RPG ammo to do it with. Make sure to give them a good lead since it takes a couple of seconds for the rocket to get there. Once you get a feel for the timing, it shouldn't be too hard to complete this one.