Navigation: Saints Row Guide > Story Missions > Fox Drive Weapons Plant Stronghold (Los Carnales)
Mission Type - Los Carnales Stronghold
Completion - +1.000% (56.905%)
Prereqs - The Missing Shipment Mission
Rewards - $0
Territories - Fox drive
Unlocks - None
This stronghold is a bit involved. The first step is to kill 14 Los Carnales defenders outside the factory. Fairly easy as long as you take them a couple at a time. One of the defenders is carrying a McManus, which is convenient for taking out the two snipers on the rooftops.
Once you are done with that, head inside the factory and start clearing it out. You have four bombs to plant. Just get inside the markers and hit the Y button to plant them. When all four are set, you get another bomb location.
This one is not so obvious. There is a door near where you planted the bomb in the office. Head out that door and go to the far end of the rooftop (take out any resistance, the McManus comes in handy for thinning out the Carnales numbers on the ground). You should see a chute angling upward. Get on this chute and head up. When you get to the top, there is your target.
You now have only a few seconds to clear out! Run back down the chute and get into the train yard. You just need to get a bit of distance between you and the factory. Ignore anyone in your path, just get out of there. Once you are outside the red zone, you win another territory.
Alright, let us unlock another homie. We could have done this earlier, but now is also a good time. You may notice a few billboards around, and if you search, you will find one for Eye for an Eye Voodoo. Call the number (555-5966) and you will unlock your fifth callable homie. Cool.

Completion - +1.000% (56.905%)
Prereqs - The Missing Shipment Mission
Rewards - $0
Territories - Fox drive
Unlocks - None
This stronghold is a bit involved. The first step is to kill 14 Los Carnales defenders outside the factory. Fairly easy as long as you take them a couple at a time. One of the defenders is carrying a McManus, which is convenient for taking out the two snipers on the rooftops.

This one is not so obvious. There is a door near where you planted the bomb in the office. Head out that door and go to the far end of the rooftop (take out any resistance, the McManus comes in handy for thinning out the Carnales numbers on the ground). You should see a chute angling upward. Get on this chute and head up. When you get to the top, there is your target.

Alright, let us unlock another homie. We could have done this earlier, but now is also a good time. You may notice a few billboards around, and if you search, you will find one for Eye for an Eye Voodoo. Call the number (555-5966) and you will unlock your fifth callable homie. Cool.