Navigation: Saints Row Guide > Story Missions > Copperton Receiving Station Stronghold (Westside Rollerz)
Mission Type - Westside Rollerz Stronghold
Completion - +1.000%
Prereqs - Liberation Mission
Rewards - $0, Natural Leader (can now recruit two homies)*
Territories - Copperton
Unlocks - None
This is a strange mission. I would recommend lots of SMG ammo and maybe some shotgun ammo. Also, bring a few rounds of RPG. The first bit is to just survive for 3 minutes as you are attacked by lots of Rollerz. Your wanted level will keep rising over time, so it gets a bit harder as it goes.
Once the three minutes are up, equip your RPG. You need to destroy the truck cab. A couple of shots with the RGP will do the trick nicely. Once you do that, you gain yet another territory.
* This mission doesn't actually unlock the Natural Leader reward, you get that for passing 40% completion, so it's possible you have already gotten this reward by now, depending on where you stand with the activities and such.

Completion - +1.000%
Prereqs - Liberation Mission
Rewards - $0, Natural Leader (can now recruit two homies)*
Territories - Copperton
Unlocks - None
This is a strange mission. I would recommend lots of SMG ammo and maybe some shotgun ammo. Also, bring a few rounds of RPG. The first bit is to just survive for 3 minutes as you are attacked by lots of Rollerz. Your wanted level will keep rising over time, so it gets a bit harder as it goes.

* This mission doesn't actually unlock the Natural Leader reward, you get that for passing 40% completion, so it's possible you have already gotten this reward by now, depending on where you stand with the activities and such.