Navigation: Saints Row Guide > Story Missions > Black Bottom Refinery Stronghold (Los Carnales)
Mission Type - Los Carnales Stronghold
Completion - +1.000% (67.437%)
Prereqs - McManus Says Hello Mission
Rewards - $0
Territories - Black Bottom
Unlocks - None
You are going to be doing a bit of tagging here. These don't count toward the 75 tags, they are entirely separate. Naturally, the Carnales aren't going to just let you stroll in and start tagging up their factory without a fight, so bring lots of SMG ammo. You might want to bring some McManus ammo if you want to take out a few guys from a distance. This really isn't all that hard. Soften up the defenses around the tag you are going after, and when all is clear, paint it up.
You will have to climb up a bunch of stairs to get to most of the tags. Just follow the map markers, they aren't all that hard to find. Once you get all seven tags, you win.
Note: Make sure to watch out for the explosive barrels on the walkways and take them out before tagging a nearby location. If left alone, the AI will sometimes shoot them when you are close to one.

Completion - +1.000% (67.437%)
Prereqs - McManus Says Hello Mission
Rewards - $0
Territories - Black Bottom
Unlocks - None
You are going to be doing a bit of tagging here. These don't count toward the 75 tags, they are entirely separate. Naturally, the Carnales aren't going to just let you stroll in and start tagging up their factory without a fight, so bring lots of SMG ammo. You might want to bring some McManus ammo if you want to take out a few guys from a distance. This really isn't all that hard. Soften up the defenses around the tag you are going after, and when all is clear, paint it up.

Note: Make sure to watch out for the explosive barrels on the walkways and take them out before tagging a nearby location. If left alone, the AI will sometimes shoot them when you are close to one.