Navigation: Saints Row Guide > Story Missions > What Goes Up… (Los Carnales)
Mission Type - Los Carnales
Completion - +1.143%
Prereqs - House Call Mission
Rewards - $0, Columbian Made Achievement, Crib (Lopez Mansion), Dex's Car, Los Carnales Cars
Territories - Wardill Airport
Unlocks - One of three needed to unlock Stuffing The Ballot
Well, this is an ending mission, so by definition, it sucks. Expect to have to run it at least five times or more before you are successful. The first part is you have to get to the airport in two and a half minutes. It really only takes about a minute and a half, so there's no real rush. Drive carefully, you don't want to mess up the car before you even get there.
Once you are there, it gets much more difficult. Hopefully you are able to quickly switch between the RPG and the AK-47 machine gun (if not, you are going to learn very quickly), because you are going to be needing both at different times.
When the second cut scene ends, switch to your RPG and take out any cars that get in behind you. As soon as Dex goes through the chain-link fence, switch over to your AK-47. Ahead of you, as the car makes the turn to the left, on the ground will be a guy with a RPG. Take him out (you can either shoot him directly or shoot the white barrels near him, either way). Also try to get the guy on the roof just to the right of him. Once you get past them, switch back to your RPG again and take out the cars that are hounding you.
When you get past the building where you hopefully killed the second RPGist (Dex will take a left toward the hangers), switch back to your machine gun again. Directly ahead of you on the shipping crates is another guy with an RPG. Try to get him. Once he is down look ahead of you as Dex makes another left to catch another RPGist guy on the roof (Dex will land on it after taking the ramp).
Now, if you managed to get all those guys, you have a good chance of making it to the plane before getting toasted. Take out any cars that are bugging you, but as soon as you get to the plane, immediately focus your attention on that, because you don't have a lot of time to kill it.
You have to hit it with three shots of the RPG to destroy it. If you can get in at least two and the plane starts to get too fast for the rockets, switch over to the machine gun and try to finish it off before it gets airborne. A cut-scene later, and you've completed the mission! Go ahead and save, you don't want to have to do that again if you can help it. And that takes care of Los Carnales (not THE Los Carnales, Los MEANS...oh, never mind).
Head to the Lopez mansion (in Ezpata) and check out your new digs! You stormed this mansion not too long ago, but now it belongs to you. All your icons are upstairs in the master bedroom (to the right as you go up the stairs). Enjoy your spoils. When you are done with that, it's time to take on the Vice Kings.
Before we start, one caveat. These missions will probably seem pretty easy to you. In actual fact, I think the Vice King missions are some of the most difficult in the game. However, you have every possible advantage. Faster health regeneration, faster notoriety decrease, special cars, special weapons, and so on. Just keep that in mind when you are thinking to yourself "man, the end of this game is too easy". When you finish the game, start a new one, and go back and try to do these missions first and you will see just how difficult they are!
Mission Type - Los Carnales
Completion - +1.143%
Prereqs - House Call Mission
Rewards - $0, Columbian Made Achievement, Crib (Lopez Mansion), Dex's Car, Los Carnales Cars
Territories - Wardill Airport
Unlocks - One of three needed to unlock Stuffing The Ballot

Once you are there, it gets much more difficult. Hopefully you are able to quickly switch between the RPG and the AK-47 machine gun (if not, you are going to learn very quickly), because you are going to be needing both at different times.

When you get past the building where you hopefully killed the second RPGist (Dex will take a left toward the hangers), switch back to your machine gun again. Directly ahead of you on the shipping crates is another guy with an RPG. Try to get him. Once he is down look ahead of you as Dex makes another left to catch another RPGist guy on the roof (Dex will land on it after taking the ramp).

You have to hit it with three shots of the RPG to destroy it. If you can get in at least two and the plane starts to get too fast for the rockets, switch over to the machine gun and try to finish it off before it gets airborne. A cut-scene later, and you've completed the mission! Go ahead and save, you don't want to have to do that again if you can help it. And that takes care of Los Carnales (not THE Los Carnales, Los MEANS...oh, never mind).

Before we start, one caveat. These missions will probably seem pretty easy to you. In actual fact, I think the Vice King missions are some of the most difficult in the game. However, you have every possible advantage. Faster health regeneration, faster notoriety decrease, special cars, special weapons, and so on. Just keep that in mind when you are thinking to yourself "man, the end of this game is too easy". When you finish the game, start a new one, and go back and try to do these missions first and you will see just how difficult they are!