Navigation: Saints Row Guide > Story Missions > …To Kingdom Come (Vice Kings)
Mission Type - Vice Kings
Completion - +1.143% (82.432%)
Prereqs - Aisha's Favor Mission
Rewards - $0
Territories - Union Square
Unlocks - Always Use Protection Mission, Sunnyvale Loft Stronghold (Sunnyvale Gardens)
This is relatively straight forward. Get in Aisha's car and take it over to the garage to get fitted out. When you come out, you're going to have a stalker to deal with. Personally, I found the easiest thing to do was to equip your SMG and just shoot him through the windshield as he sits behind you, problem solved (trying to actually lose him is pretty difficult to do, as he is a pretty decent driver, especially given the fact that you can't bump the car around too much).
Now we go to the studio. The most direct route to the studio is across a bridge that has a semi blocking the way. You can either go right through it (which can be slightly dangerous given that you are sitting on a bomb) or take another bridge. You should have plenty of time (if you just killed the stalker outright, you probably have something like five minutes to get here), so drive carefully to make sure that bomb doesn't prematurely explode on you. Then just park in front of the studio and that takes care of that.

Completion - +1.143% (82.432%)
Prereqs - Aisha's Favor Mission
Rewards - $0
Territories - Union Square
Unlocks - Always Use Protection Mission, Sunnyvale Loft Stronghold (Sunnyvale Gardens)
This is relatively straight forward. Get in Aisha's car and take it over to the garage to get fitted out. When you come out, you're going to have a stalker to deal with. Personally, I found the easiest thing to do was to equip your SMG and just shoot him through the windshield as he sits behind you, problem solved (trying to actually lose him is pretty difficult to do, as he is a pretty decent driver, especially given the fact that you can't bump the car around too much).