Navigation: Saints Row Guide > Story Missions > Possession With Intent (Los Carnales)
Mission Type - Los Carnales
Completion - +1.143%
Prereqs - Strength in Numbers Mission
Rewards - $0
Territories - Encanto
Unlocks - House Call Mission, Charlestown Warehouse Stronghold (Charlestown)
Okay, grab some ammo for your favorite crowd control weapons. SMG and shotgun ammo should do the trick. When you start this up, you have a quick jaunt over to the garage where you will have your car outfitted with a bomb. This one, for some reason, seems to be pretty sensitive, so drive carefully. But also drive quickly, because you don't have a whole lot of time and you have a fair bit of distance to cover.
Once you get to the police station, park the car where the game tells you to, then get a bit of distance. After it blows, you now have to stay alive for the next three minutes while your police wanted level steadily increases. By the end of it, you will have five stars.
Now, you need to drive the truck back to the garage. The bad news is you still have all those wanted levels. Personally, I set a waypoint for the nearest Forgive and Forget, which is a lot closer than the garage is. I found it a big enough pain just getting there (what with all the FBI constantly ramming you), much less trying to drive halfway across the city.
Once you get into the Forgive and Forget, it's a pretty leisurely drive back to the garage, mission accomplished.

Completion - +1.143%
Prereqs - Strength in Numbers Mission
Rewards - $0
Territories - Encanto
Unlocks - House Call Mission, Charlestown Warehouse Stronghold (Charlestown)
Okay, grab some ammo for your favorite crowd control weapons. SMG and shotgun ammo should do the trick. When you start this up, you have a quick jaunt over to the garage where you will have your car outfitted with a bomb. This one, for some reason, seems to be pretty sensitive, so drive carefully. But also drive quickly, because you don't have a whole lot of time and you have a fair bit of distance to cover.

Now, you need to drive the truck back to the garage. The bad news is you still have all those wanted levels. Personally, I set a waypoint for the nearest Forgive and Forget, which is a lot closer than the garage is. I found it a big enough pain just getting there (what with all the FBI constantly ramming you), much less trying to drive halfway across the city.
Once you get into the Forgive and Forget, it's a pretty leisurely drive back to the garage, mission accomplished.