Navigation: Saints Row Guide > Story Missions > One Step Ahead (Westside Rollerz)
Mission Type - Westside Rollerz
Completion - +1.143%
Prereqs - Escort Service Mission
Rewards - $2,000
Territories - None
Unlocks - Liberation Mission, Tidal Spring Apartments Stronghold (Tidal Springs)
The Rollerz' job is to "collect" a few cars for parts. Your job is to make sure that doesn't happen by destroying the cars they are after. I would again recommend a good SMG for this job, since you will be shooting and driving at the same time.
Head to the markers and make sure those cars don't fall into Rollerz' hands. If you lose one or two, you are still okay. Just make sure they don't get three cars. You have to take out four cars to finish this mission. Fortunately, the drivers often drive themselves into trees and off cliffs, sometimes getting stuck and making themselves easy targets.
Alright, return to your crib and pick up a baseball bat and the VICE 9 pistol. Then run over to the Friendly Fire and buy a Tombstone shotgun and an SKR-7 Spree SMG. That gives us four weapons with which we will begin the Airport

Completion - +1.143%
Prereqs - Escort Service Mission
Rewards - $2,000
Territories - None
Unlocks - Liberation Mission, Tidal Spring Apartments Stronghold (Tidal Springs)
The Rollerz' job is to "collect" a few cars for parts. Your job is to make sure that doesn't happen by destroying the cars they are after. I would again recommend a good SMG for this job, since you will be shooting and driving at the same time.

Alright, return to your crib and pick up a baseball bat and the VICE 9 pistol. Then run over to the Friendly Fire and buy a Tombstone shotgun and an SKR-7 Spree SMG. That gives us four weapons with which we will begin the Airport