Navigation: Saints Row Guide > Story Missions > Meeting Orejuela (Los Carnales)
Mission Type - Los Carnales
Completion - +1.143% (69.081%)
Prereqs - McManus Says Hello Mission
Rewards - $1,500
Territories - None
Unlocks - Strength in Numbers Mission
Get a good strong car which is reasonably fast (I used a Five-O). You may also want to bring a bit of SMG ammo, though for the most part you will be driving rather than shooting. Start up the mission and wait for Dex. Head out to the Wardill airport. When you get there, things don't exactly go as planned.
Now it's just a driving gun battle back to the Row. Shoot if you get the chance, but you mainly want to keep your eye on the road. Driving on the freeway is dangerous enough with your full attention! Once you get back to the church, it's another mission accomplished.

Completion - +1.143% (69.081%)
Prereqs - McManus Says Hello Mission
Rewards - $1,500
Territories - None
Unlocks - Strength in Numbers Mission
Get a good strong car which is reasonably fast (I used a Five-O). You may also want to bring a bit of SMG ammo, though for the most part you will be driving rather than shooting. Start up the mission and wait for Dex. Head out to the Wardill airport. When you get there, things don't exactly go as planned.