Navigation: Saints Row Guide > Story Missions > Guardian Angel (Westside Rollerz)
Mission Type - Westside Rollerz
Completion - +1.143%
Prereqs - Samson's Surprise Mission
Rewards - $0
Territories - Sommerset
Unlocks - Escort Service Mission
This is a pretty tough mission. I brought a rocket launcher and plenty of SMG ammo. When you get near the garage, use the rocket launcher to hit the Rollerz' car and kill everyone outside. Then switch over to the SMG at run inside.
There will be plenty of resistance in here. When you get to the back, make sure not to kill Donny. Kill his two bodyguards to trigger the next (pretty amusing) cut scene. Lin didn't seem too happy with you! Now chase her into the suburbs, but don't shoot at them, just follow along. It's not a difficult chase, Lin will purposely drive pretty badly allowing you to keep pace. When the game tells you to, let them go.

Completion - +1.143%
Prereqs - Samson's Surprise Mission
Rewards - $0
Territories - Sommerset
Unlocks - Escort Service Mission
This is a pretty tough mission. I brought a rocket launcher and plenty of SMG ammo. When you get near the garage, use the rocket launcher to hit the Rollerz' car and kill everyone outside. Then switch over to the SMG at run inside.