Navigation: Saints Row Guide > Story Missions > Burying Evidence (Westside Rollerz)
Mission Type - Westside Rollerz
Completion - +1.143%
Prereqs - Liberation Mission
Rewards - $3,000
Territories - None
Unlocks - No Time To Mourn Mission, Copperton Receiving Station Stronghold (Copperton)
If you are having trouble with this mission (and I did), the trick is to have an RPG. If you don't have one, go ahead and give it a try anyway. You have to damage the car enough so that everyone will get out, and unfortunately, the driver of this one isn't too bad at evading you. But with an ample supply of machine gun rounds, you can probably get the car to stop. Once it does, just shoot up the target and that's the end of the mission.
Now, what if you are having a lot of trouble getting that car to pull over and you don't have an RPG? Don't worry, you can cancel out of this mission and an icon will appear where you can restart it (it's in the canal near the Ultor Dome). Then head over to your local Friendly Fire and purchase whatever you need. Then you can go back to the dome and begin anew.
When you start, run up the canal and watch for a set of stairs to your left. Head up those stairs and you'll see a Bootlegger in front of you. Get in and take the dirt road toward the south. Take a left when you hit the road, past the freeway onramps. If you are going to use the RPG method, get out of the car immediately once you hit the main road that runs around the dome. You don't have a lot of time before the target vehicle gets to you, so get ready with that RPG quickly.
However you do it, make sure your target gets what is coming to him. That should teach him to mess with you.

Completion - +1.143%
Prereqs - Liberation Mission
Rewards - $3,000
Territories - None
Unlocks - No Time To Mourn Mission, Copperton Receiving Station Stronghold (Copperton)

Now, what if you are having a lot of trouble getting that car to pull over and you don't have an RPG? Don't worry, you can cancel out of this mission and an icon will appear where you can restart it (it's in the canal near the Ultor Dome). Then head over to your local Friendly Fire and purchase whatever you need. Then you can go back to the dome and begin anew.

However you do it, make sure your target gets what is coming to him. That should teach him to mess with you.