Navigation: Saints Row Guide > Story Missions > Canonized (New Game)
Alright, here we go. Watch the initial cut scene. You are introduced here to Julius and Troy. Once the cut scene is complete, the game politely deposits you not far from your first mission, which is right in front of the Saints Row church (it's the purple area with the spinning Saints icon a little ways in front of you).
If you are interested, you can go past the mission indicator and check out the church. It's a big mess, with broken statues a garbage everywhere. It does, however, have a save icon (you don't have to save here, but it is where you will start the game when you load, unless you happen to have unlocked another save point). In the back are Julius', Dex's, and Johnny's offices. They are basically the leaders of the 3rd Street Saints (along with Troy, who doesn't seem to have his own office). When you are done looking around, head on back to the mission indicator.
There isn't really a whole lot you can do right now (there are a few things, but a whole ton of stuff will open up once you complete the first two missions, so we may as well do that first). Go ahead and enter the purple mission icon and hit Y to start it up.
Completion: +1.143%
Prereqs: None
Rewards: $200 or $1,000
Territories: None
Unlocks: Natural Leader (level 1), Wheel Woman, Canonized Achievement, Back to Basics Mission
You cannot fail this mission. If you win the fight, you get $1,000. If you lose, you get $200. Either way, you get to move on. Don't worry about it if you lose, you only miss out on $800, and that's nothing to stress over.
Once you complete this mission (win or lose), you get the Natural Leader title, which lets you recruit one homie. You also get the Wheel Woman ability, which allows you to call your Wheel Woman (she'll bring a car and drive). You also pick up the Canonized achievement (10 points).
After the mission (and a new cut scene, in which you'll be introduced to Johnny), Troy is going to follow you around for the next mission (he counts as your homie, so you cannot grab anyone else right now). You have no choice in the matter, the game immediately starts you on the next mission.
Alright, here we go. Watch the initial cut scene. You are introduced here to Julius and Troy. Once the cut scene is complete, the game politely deposits you not far from your first mission, which is right in front of the Saints Row church (it's the purple area with the spinning Saints icon a little ways in front of you).
If you are interested, you can go past the mission indicator and check out the church. It's a big mess, with broken statues a garbage everywhere. It does, however, have a save icon (you don't have to save here, but it is where you will start the game when you load, unless you happen to have unlocked another save point). In the back are Julius', Dex's, and Johnny's offices. They are basically the leaders of the 3rd Street Saints (along with Troy, who doesn't seem to have his own office). When you are done looking around, head on back to the mission indicator.

Mission Type: 3rd Street SaintsCompletion: +1.143%
Prereqs: None
Rewards: $200 or $1,000
Territories: None
Unlocks: Natural Leader (level 1), Wheel Woman, Canonized Achievement, Back to Basics Mission

Once you complete this mission (win or lose), you get the Natural Leader title, which lets you recruit one homie. You also get the Wheel Woman ability, which allows you to call your Wheel Woman (she'll bring a car and drive). You also pick up the Canonized achievement (10 points).
After the mission (and a new cut scene, in which you'll be introduced to Johnny), Troy is going to follow you around for the next mission (he counts as your homie, so you cannot grab anyone else right now). You have no choice in the matter, the game immediately starts you on the next mission.