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Mission Type - 3rd Street Saints
Completion - +1.143%
Prereqs - Canonized Mission
Rewards - $500
Territories - None
Unlocks - Crib (Saints Row Loft), all Activities, Los Carnales Stronghold (Athos Bay)
We're on a mission already (it is started for you automatically), so let's go ahead and finish it off. You can grab a car if you like, or just walk, the shop you need to get to is not very far. Head into the Friendly Fire (just follow the map marker). You need to buy a gun. Allow me to recommend the VICE 9. You really only need to buy the gun with the 24 bullets. We'll pick up more ammo in a bit for free, so don't waste your cash buying more rounds.
Alright, head over to the new map markers and take out the groups of Vice Kings. They are going to drop more VICE 9's when you take them down, and possibly a bit of cash, so be sure to pick those things up. When all of them are dead, grab a car and head over to the Forgive and Forget (again, you just need to follow the map markers) in order to get rid of your gang notoriety (for some reason, the Vice Kings don't like it when you shoot up their members!).
Once your notoriety is gone, Troy wants a burger, so he asks you to drop him off (can you already tell this guy is going to be high maintenance?). Drop him in the indicated spot (Freckle Bitches is just down the street from the Forgive and Forget).
For all that you get a cool $500 bucks and 500 respect (this is the only mission in the game that rewards you with respect at the end of the mission, so don't get used to it). You also get a new crib in Mission Beach. Finally, all the Activities unlock on the map. I won't go over them one by one here, the Activities section earlier in the guide has a neighborhood by neighborhood listing of all of them.
Go check out your new crib! If you don't know how to find it, just open up your map and change the filter to "Cribs". Here you have a garage (where you can store any cars you want to keep), access to your wardrobe (nothing beyond what you are wearing right now), access to your stash (this will increase over time, and will rise slower or faster depending on what areas the 3rd Street Saints own) up to a maximum of $2,000. Finally, you can get to your weapon cache here (which will allow you to swap weapons for free).
Another thing, now that you have a crib with a garage, I want you to collect cars. Any time you are riding in a car that you are not sure you already own in your garage, go put it in there. This is going to make your life a lot easier when you go to do the Chop Shop activities. Plus, it's just cool to have a bunch of different cars. You really only need one of each type of car, so if you already own one, don't bother to add another (the exception to this is the FBI. If you happen to have one, put it in your garage, you will eventually need two of them).
Okay, so you might notice that there are no new missions to pick up. There is a stronghold, which is sort of like a mission (you can see it on your map by changing the filter type to "Stronghold"). However, if you go there, you will find the game refuses to allow you to play the mission.
That's because every mission or stronghold requires you to "spend" one bar of respect. Each bar of respect is 2,000 respect points, and so far we've only made 500 from that last mission. This is why the game keeps bugging you to go run the Snatch Activity, because you can earn respect from doing activities.
Completion - +1.143%
Prereqs - Canonized Mission
Rewards - $500
Territories - None
Unlocks - Crib (Saints Row Loft), all Activities, Los Carnales Stronghold (Athos Bay)

Alright, head over to the new map markers and take out the groups of Vice Kings. They are going to drop more VICE 9's when you take them down, and possibly a bit of cash, so be sure to pick those things up. When all of them are dead, grab a car and head over to the Forgive and Forget (again, you just need to follow the map markers) in order to get rid of your gang notoriety (for some reason, the Vice Kings don't like it when you shoot up their members!).

For all that you get a cool $500 bucks and 500 respect (this is the only mission in the game that rewards you with respect at the end of the mission, so don't get used to it). You also get a new crib in Mission Beach. Finally, all the Activities unlock on the map. I won't go over them one by one here, the Activities section earlier in the guide has a neighborhood by neighborhood listing of all of them.
Go check out your new crib! If you don't know how to find it, just open up your map and change the filter to "Cribs". Here you have a garage (where you can store any cars you want to keep), access to your wardrobe (nothing beyond what you are wearing right now), access to your stash (this will increase over time, and will rise slower or faster depending on what areas the 3rd Street Saints own) up to a maximum of $2,000. Finally, you can get to your weapon cache here (which will allow you to swap weapons for free).

Okay, so you might notice that there are no new missions to pick up. There is a stronghold, which is sort of like a mission (you can see it on your map by changing the filter type to "Stronghold"). However, if you go there, you will find the game refuses to allow you to play the mission.
That's because every mission or stronghold requires you to "spend" one bar of respect. Each bar of respect is 2,000 respect points, and so far we've only made 500 from that last mission. This is why the game keeps bugging you to go run the Snatch Activity, because you can earn respect from doing activities.