"Saints Row" Guide: Controls

Navigation: Saints Row Guide > Controls

I don't know why people like to have the controls listed in FAQs like this. Regurgitating stuff that you can find right in the manual seems like a total waste of space to me. But it appears to be standard practice to do so, and I have gotten grief in past guides over not including this stuff, so I'll bow down to the peer pressure and put it in. For those of you that find this kind of thing useful, here it is:

On Foot Controls

Left Trigger (No Weapon, Standing) Left Punch
Left Trigger (No Weapon, Running) Left Running Punch
Left Trigger (With Weapon Equipped) Fire Weapon or Light Toss
Right Trigger (No Weapon, Standing) Right Punch
Right Trigger (No Weapon, Running) Right Running Punch
Right Trigger (With Weapon Equipped) Fire Weapon or Regular Toss
Left + Right Trigger Block
Left Bumper Kick
Right Bumper Sprint
Left Joystick Move
Right Joystick Camera Control
Left Joystick (Click) Crouch (Toggle)
D-Pad (Up) Recruit Gang Member
D-Pad (Up, Hold) Dismiss Gang Member
D-Pad (Down, Twice) Cancel Current Mission/Activity
D-Pad (Left or Right) Change Current Song (Playlist)
Start Button Bring up Map/Info Page
A Reload or Pick up New Weapon
B (Hold) Bring up Weapon/Food Radial
B + D-Pad Select Food
B + Left Joystick Select Weapon
X Jump
Y Action (Open Door, Enter Car, etc)

Driving Controls

Left Trigger Handbrake
Right Trigger Fire Weapon
Left Bumper Look Left
Right Bumper Look Right
Left + Right Bumper Look Behind
Left Joystick Steer
Right Joystick Camera Control
Left Joystick (Click) Hydrolics/Siren/Horn
Right Joystick (Click) Jump Car (Hydrolics), Nitrous
D-Pad (Up) Recruit Gang Member
D-Pad (Up, Hold) Dismiss Gang Member
D-Pad (Down, Twice) Cancel Current Mission/Activity
D-Pad (Left or Right) Change Radio Station
Start Button Bring up Map/Info Page
A Accelerate
B (Hold) Bring up Weapon/Food Radial
B + D-Pad Select Food
B + Left Joystick Select Weapon
X Brake/Reverse
Y Action (Open Door, Exit Car, etc)

Swimming Controls

Left Joystick Move
Right Joystick Camera Control
X Jump or Climb
Y Exit Vehicle, Teleport to Shore

Turret Controls (Mission)

Left Trigger Attack
Right Trigger Attack
Left Joystick Camera Control
Right Joystick Camera Control

Turret Controls (Freeform)

Left Trigger Attack
Right Trigger Attack
Left Bumper Look Left
Right Bumper Look Right
Left + Right Bumper Look Behind
Left Joystick Camera Control
Right Joystick Camera Control
Y Exit Vehicle

Map/Info Page (Accessed using Start Button)

Left Joystick Move Cursor (Map)
Right Joystick Zoom in/out (Map)
Trigger (Left, Right) Navigate Menu
D-Pad (Up, Down) Navigate Menu (Up, Down)
D-Pad (Left, Right) Change Map Filter
Start Button, Y Exit Map/Info Page
A Select, Set/Remove Waypoint (Map)
B Back