"Saints Row" Guide: Church Overview

Navigation: Saints Row Guide > Church Overview

Now we'll see just how good at ASCII art I am.
The Saints Row Church looks something like this:
                      _____|      |_____
          _____      |                  |      _____
         |     |_____|                  |_____|     |
         |                    A                     |
         |     ________               ________      |
    _____|             |             |              |_______
   /                   |_____________|                      |
  /       _____                               ______        |
 |             |              E              |             _|
 |             |                             |            |
 |   B         |                             |   C        |
 |        _____|_____                   _____|______      |_
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  \      |           |                 |            |       |
   \_____|  F  _     |                 |      _  F  |_______|
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         _______|                            |_______
        |                                            |
        |                                        D   |
        |                                            |
        |_______       ______  F  _____      ________|
                |_____|                |_____|

The key features are:

A: Julius' Office
B: Dex and Troy's Office
C: Johnny's Office
D: Save point 
E: Dais
F: Exits