Navigation: Saints Row Guide > Activities > Demolition Derby
Unlike most of the other activities, there is only one icon for demolition derby, and it's up at the Ultor Dome. Because of this, there are only eight levels in total for this activity. This one is actually fairly easy, though it does take quite a bit of luck. Fortunately, if you fail a derby, you end up outside right next to the marker, so you can just walk right back in. The idea is to destroy some number of cars (from 1 to 3 depending on what level you are on). I found that the biggest issue was that all the cars would be destroyed by other drivers before you reached this goal (almost never did I have my car destroyed).
If your car does burst into flame, make sure to get out fast and get away from it. You don't want to end up at the hospital and have to come all the way back. It's much easier to fail the activity and end up back outside at the marker again.
As far as strategies go, back into other cars as much as possible to protect your engine. Also, go after those that are already smoking to get the kill shots. If you are the last car to touch another car when it bursts into flames, you get credit for the kill.
Reward (completion of all 8 levels):
Ruckus and Rampage cars unlocked in your garage
Unlike most of the other activities, there is only one icon for demolition derby, and it's up at the Ultor Dome. Because of this, there are only eight levels in total for this activity. This one is actually fairly easy, though it does take quite a bit of luck. Fortunately, if you fail a derby, you end up outside right next to the marker, so you can just walk right back in. The idea is to destroy some number of cars (from 1 to 3 depending on what level you are on). I found that the biggest issue was that all the cars would be destroyed by other drivers before you reached this goal (almost never did I have my car destroyed).
If your car does burst into flame, make sure to get out fast and get away from it. You don't want to end up at the hospital and have to come all the way back. It's much easier to fail the activity and end up back outside at the marker again.
As far as strategies go, back into other cars as much as possible to protect your engine. Also, go after those that are already smoking to get the kill shots. If you are the last car to touch another car when it bursts into flames, you get credit for the kill.
Reward (completion of all 8 levels):
Ruckus and Rampage cars unlocked in your garage